Hooray, the dedicated channel for the China Outbound Travel Pulse YouTube series has now passed the total of 5,000 views – in time for the launch of the 20th video: Destination North America.
Having launched at WTM London in November 2017, the China Outbound Travel Pulse series is co-created by Chinese travel-focused digital marketing agency Dragon Trail Interactive and COTRI China Outbound Tourism Research Institute. The videos are split into a range of thematic episodes, exploring different aspects of Chinese outbound tourism in an informative, yet light-hearted way.
On account of the rapidly developing –and often unpredictable – nature of the Chinese outbound tourism market, the regularly-published episodes allow viewers to expand and update their knowledge of the field, benefitting from original and engaging first-hand information and candid insights into current trends.
The first episode of the series – a focus on Free Independent Travellers – was published in November 2017 and, as the most successful of all videos, it has amassed more than 1,150 views.
More recently, the episode covering Europe (No. 18) has already had more than 200 views within less than four weeks, the most successful video since Episode 9 about Food Abroad, published in April 2018.
In the near future, the sequence of ‘Destination’ episodes will see instalments covering South America and Oceania. Following that, there will be videos covering the themes of “Transportation”, “Self-Driving”, “Spending on Travelling”, “Payments abroad” and “Safety”.
In light of the upcoming Chinese New Year period, you may also wish to take the opportunity to look at the video from last year’s festival – the second most successful of all.