This week COTRI WEEKLY is a day late, as we have been busy with the finishing of our new eBook Welcoming the New Chinese Outbound Tourists. Guest relationships with Chinese visitors in the 2020s and the preparations of the book launch seminar. We expected a couple of hundred registrations but received, in the end, more than 2,500, thanks also to the help of our partners PLANET and SWTF and our co-organiser in spreading the word.
All eleven experts, which were interviewed for the book, participated in two-panel discussions looking at the demand and the supply side of China’s outbound tourism in post-CoViD-19 times. The experts were based in Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Dublin, Budapest, München, Madrid, Manchester and Tirana, with technical support from Gran Canaria and greetings from the host currently in Berlin and your humble editor as chair in Hamburg.
Fortunately, all internet connections, microphones and cameras worked and everybody was present on time. Only the chairman forgot a couple of times to unmute himself.
If you allow some bragging, we got some comments from participants which more than compensated all the work which had to be put into the event:
“What so incredible of this event is that Prof Wolfgang Arlt has gathered a group of positive and open-minded individuals to whom you can network and explore how to find synergies to push the necessary change needed to make the current tourism jumpstart robust and sustainable.” and “This was a terrific and very focused webinar. Thanks to COTRI & Wolfgang Arlt and the team for putting on a polished information seminar of international proportions.” were two of them.
Too much importance was given to put it into a short editorial. The view from Brussels was provided by Istvan Ujhelyi MEP, insights of Prof. Kaye Chon, who not only is the Dean of the No. 1 tourism faculty in Asia but also as the person running a big five-star hotel in Hong Kong shed light on the tribulations of that place. An optimistic view of Anders Ellemann Kristensen of Albatros Travel China, characterised the next ten years as the “Golden Age” of Chinese travel, with the 55+ money rich and time-rich cohort entering the market in force and Rebekka Baer telling about the new ways of mobile payment, participants were provided with a lot of things to think about.
You missed it? No problem, you can find the presentation on the COTRI website: My presentation can be downloaded from
and the video of the whole seminar on Youtube:
In the end of the seminar we had three lucky winners of a free copy of the eBook in a lucky draw, everybody else can still enjoy the prolonged subscription price of 98,- Euro instead of 128,- Euro until August 10th here:
As always, all best wishes from Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt and the COTRI WEEKLY team.